Why isn’t anyone talking about the marketplace?

All I hear when people speak about token drops is, “what’s the utility?”. Well, why is no one talking about Gutter Market or “The Market Place”. There’s a Twitter handle…

By city_admin
Meet PLAN — the free Product Licensing Agreement for NFTs

Many NFT collections gave their NFT owners a fantastic opportunity to commercialize the NFTs they purchased. But unfortunately, they did not provide them with an instruction manual on how to…

By city_admin
Your Choice: Transform Gutter Clones

On September 10th, Gutter Labs released a 4000-item DNA-2 Gutter Juice NFT collection through a public auction. The collection sold out in about six hours, and as of this writing,…

By city_admin
Direct Feed From The Stars

Shaucy gets that direct feed from the stars and sometimes the radio, but always give it to you straight gang. Astrologer - Moodterpreter - BubbleWrappr This week is the time…

By city_admin
Let’s speculate on Gang Token

Horizen Labs, Gutter Labs partner for the token launch, is the commonality between $GANG and $APE.  Therefore, I think it's safe to assume similar drop mechanics and timing.  $APE was promised Q1,…

By city_admin
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