Gutter PacMan soon

Get ready for a wild ride with the Gutterversion of the classic arcade game Pac-Man! Gutter arcades is a fresh take on the beloved game that will have you on the edge of your seat.
In this version, you'll take on the role of a scrappy street cat, clawing your way through the city's gutters in search of food and survival. But watch out! The city is overrun with dangerous gangs of alley species, each with unique abilities. You'll have to outsmart and outmaneuver them if you want to survive.
But that's not all. In addition to dodging the gangs, you'll also have to contend with the city's human inhabitants. They're not too fond of the street cats and will stop at nothing to get rid of you. So you'll have to use all your wits and agility to avoid getting caught.
The gameplay is fast-paced and action-packed, with plenty of twists and turns to keep you on your toes. The graphics are gutters, immersing you in the gritty world of the city's underbelly. And with a rocking soundtrack, you'll feel right in the middle of the action.
I can't wait to play and join the Guttercarcades. It's time to show the city who's boss!

Staplegutter AMA Recap

Missed the Gutter Cat Gang x Jeff Staple STAPLEGUTTER exclusive AMA? Here is a recap of the highlights and thoughts surrounding Gutter’s latest brand collaboration. The conversation was held in the High Snobiety discord and featured Gutter Cat Gang co-founder Gutter Karlee and streetwear legend Jeff Staple.

Our first highlight of the AMA was Gutter Karlee diving into her primary role of internal operations and brand partnerships within GCG. She also spoke further about managing all authenticators at her previous position in the sneaker and streetwear space. I enjoyed learning about her history and current role as it speaks to the experience and creativity that the GCG team has and is a clear example of why GCG has high-level partnerships and exceptional products created.

While Karlee is undoubtedly fantastic in her role within GCG, the STAPLEGUTTER collaboration came from the community. Karlee and Jeff spoke in detail about how both communities lit the fire that brought the two brands together. Jeff said, “Imagine if this had tried to come together in a traditional way.” Instead, this was an added indicator of the influence and power that a strong, vocal community has for a brand. To wrap up how the partnership came together, it looks like the Stadium Goods Gutter Block Party event at NFTNYC played a role in solidifying the connection between Staple and Gutter.

This collaboration also has a variety of complimentary positive effects for both brands. Streetwear fits perfectly within the GCG brand, and the co-mingling from both communities are mutually beneficial. Jeff continued how the old and new complement each other well. Jeff Staple brings invaluable experience and recognition to partnering with a fresh, new Web 3 and cultural leader.

The conversation shifted as Jeff asked Karlee about a brief history of how she decided to go full-time with her role in GCG and what that transition was like. As I listened to Karlee speak more about the transition, it was apparent that the GCG founders love the opportunity to lead this brand. They love Gutter Cat Gang, our community, and its investors and are determined to succeed.

This led to a quick transition into the bear market. Karlee noted that while it is drastically different from the wild west summer of ‘21, they are taking full advantage of the opportunity to analyze and build for the future. This should be something every GCG holder is excited to hear. GCG is here to stay, and there are some very exciting activations coming for our brand in the future.

Heading into the later parts of the conversation, Jeff and Karlee spoke about how the marketing preparation and challenges are different from a traditional streetwear collaboration as opposed to an online NFT drop. For the NFT drop, GCG and Staple need to market leading up to the anticipated drop, throughout the redemption process, and even toward receiving the physicals. This highlighted the benefits of having a clear brand vision and direction powered by an unwavering fanbase, aka community.

To wrap up, Karlee stated that Gutter Pigeons would be the only GCG species highlighted in this collaboration, which is a great move for this drop. The correlation with Staple Pigeon fits perfectly within this, and I am personally excited for the Bird Gang to get all the recognition they deserve. This also puts the full focus of the collaboration on one of the OG species, something that has not happened before.

STAPLEGUTTER drops 10/27/22 at 8 pm est. It will be available to all GCG holders (Cats/Rats/Dogs/Pigeons/Clones) and all Stapleverse holders.
All items will be sold as NFTs with physical redeemable later. These physicals include a skate deck, tote bag, bucket hat, shirts, and other accessories. There was even a hint of a possible exclusive item for holders.

So get those notifications turned on and have that eth ready. The Gutter Cat Gang community is in for another outstanding brand collaboration and activation.


F*ck Anonymity

Anonymous twitter profiles was integral to the start of web3 and the NFT space. However, it has proven to be very insecure. The time of anonymity is over. Anonymity is not a necessity to web3 by any means. The truth is that more harm than good comes from people being anonymous on the internet. People act more group-oriented when the veil of anonymity is lifted. This is a good thing whether you want to believe it or not. When people are in the shadows, they feel invincible. It is truly amazing how much more honest a man will act once you can see their face. My name is Zach and I go by Scuffed. I’m just a guy that loves talking to people and collecting jpegs. I have never taken any money out of the ecosystem and I never plan to.


Thoughts From 10/18s Gutter Spaces

Conversations From The Gutter returned on Tuesday 10/18 to rave overall reviews.  The Good Doctor, Leo DiCatrio, held court and founder Gutter Mitch and community manager Gutter Wang gave listeners comprehensive updates on what Q4 holds for the Gang.  Community members came up one-by-one and shared their thoughts about and love for the Gang, and criticism and feedback were handled respectfully.  In short: you love to see it.  You really do.

Let’s dig in on a few things that came up.

First things first, Gutter Mitch set off fireworks with talk of big partnerships with “billion dollar companies” creating speculation on the timeline and off about who these companies might be.  We know one: Puma is a MULTI-billion dollar company with enduring ties to the Gutter.  I’ve thrown some odds out on some others, and can’t wait to hear what y’all think:

Supreme: 7-2

DraftKings: 4-1

FanDuel: 5-1

NBA: 10-1

NFL: 20-1

FIFA: 25-1

Bear Pants Inc.: 150-1 but don’t sleep, anon

Next, we heard some talk about Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) and a couple of mentions of Gutter Picks, and in the same part of the conversation, Gutter Mitch talked about taking activities previously off-chain into web3.  Are we getting an Ethereum end-to-end DFS product?  Or even a product with token-gated tournaments and on-chain rewards?  If so, this could be a colossal degen onboarding mechanism for which the Gutter would naturally become the NFT collection of choice.


From Rags to Tags

"If you don't get it like that, make it yourself." He is just a Gutter Pigeon and his Puffer, with some creativity and time on his side. That's how it all started for r0se. Not everyone in the Gutter is fortunate enough to change their appearance whenever they feel like it. Some of them have one look, and one of them has made the most of that. From his kitchen table, r0se tirelessly attempted to reinvent his Puffer. Whether it's themed off of classic NYC footwear, iconic Gutter art, or just freestyled colorways, one thing is sure.. they're certified heat every time. Quickly, these cut & sew Puffers caught the attention of others in Gutter City, and the Puffer Gang was born. The Puffer Gang didn't care about how much or little you had; if you had a Puffer you were part of the family. R0se and the Puffers have since continued to make an impact across the city. The Winter $gang Collection, PUMA Puffers in the spring, and most recently, the limited edition TBT Booster run were all well received throughout Gutter City. What's next for r0se? That's to be determined, but in the meantime, the world (and maybe the universe) is his Puffer playground.


Crypto Wallet Security 101

When investing in cryptocurrency, the most important thing to know is, how to maintain your crypto wallet safely. Once you deposit cryptocurrency in your wallet, it is essential to remember that all types of cryptocurrency wallets, even the most secure hardware wallets (cold wallets), can be hacked and emptied.

Although blockchain technology produces a data structure with innate security qualities and the blockchain database is “virtually indestructible,” human error or physical device issues (i.e., social engineering and physical security) can still occur. The risks of crypto wallets vary from situation to situation and often change. As a 101 guide, I will explain the common reasons for wallets being wiped and typical "Scams".

Password-Stealing Malware

Password-stealing malware scans your computer or mobile device's hard drive to steal your private key. You may allow malicious programs to invade your device when you browse suspicious websites, click on links provided by scammers, open unsafe email attachments, or download software from untrusted sources,

Suppose you do not enable two-factor authentication to protect your crypto wallet; in that case, hackers who manipulate malware can hack into your account in seconds and transfer assets instantly after they have obtained your private key. Therefore, enabling two-factor verification settings is one of the significant security measures to protect encrypted wallets. 

Trojan Horse

Trojans are another type of password-stealing malware, but instead of actually “stealing” our cryptocurrency, Trojans scan your hard drive for cryptocurrency holdings. The Trojan will then encrypt your hard drive and send you a ransomware email, threatening to format your hard drive if the ransom is not paid within a certain period. Unfortunately, even well-protected exchanges can still encounter these types of ransomware, and users are often only instructed to pay the ransom.

Exit Scam

Exit scams refer to exchanges, intermediaries, or investment advisor managers absconding with money. This scam has been around for years, but now it’s also making its way into the cryptocurrency world. In the past, investment advisor managers or startup founders may have taken money from investors and absconded.

In cryptocurrency, exchanges may close after receiving users’ value-added assets. Managers or principals of cryptocurrency projects may complete projects after receiving the betting funds of an initial coin offering (ICO). However, compared with traditional fraud, it is more challenging to investigate and recover funds due to the decentralized and anonymous nature of cryptocurrency blockchain technology and the limited scope of supervision.

Exit scams frequently occur, such as the Confido incident in 2017, the LoopX incident in 2018, and the Yfdex incident in 2020. Therefore, before users start investing in cryptocurrencies, they must understand the relevant fraudulent methods to judge the authenticity of investing.

1. In 2017, after the cryptocurrency startup Confido raised $375,000 in its initial token offering, the CEO and development team immediately lost contact and shut down all community platforms.
2. In 2018, the cryptocurrency startup LoopX Launched a series of initial token issuance activities, which raised a total of 4.5 million US dollars. After the last event, all the company's community platform channels were closed without warning.
3. In 2020, liquidity pool Yfdex launched Defi projects and raised 2,000. After $10,000, all social platforms and project-related websites will be closed.


Phishing attacks are usually carried out via email, messaging, or social media. For example, you may receive emails or messages asking you to perform specific actions, such as sending verification codes, passwords, credit card numbers, or other private information. However, these Emails are not sent by the official or sent messages with names similar to the official name (for example, sent in the name of "Binance" but the official name is "Binanze").

They will use this information to steal your crypto assets. Please note that crypto exchanges will not require users to provide passwords. If someone claims they need you to provide personal information and passwords, do not believe it and report it to us.

Device Lost

There are many reasons for lost assets, but one of the most common is losing a device, such as a mobile device or laptop. A person who finds or steals the device may attempt to unlock it. If successful, they can access the crypto wallet assets stored on the device and the user's bank account, email, password, community account, and other related assets—meaningful information about device binding.

How to Safely Protect Your Assets

  1. Do follow basic Internet security rules (i.e., cyber hygiene) when using the Internet, such as using strong passwords and updating them regularly, never browsing suspicious websites or clicking on suspicious links, not using free WiFi, and using Internet security tools such as antivirus software and VPNs, and Setting up two-factor authentication for all accounts, etc.
  2. Please remember that you are the weakest link in preserving the security of crypto assets because it is challenging to hack into the blockchain to obtain passwords or to crack the security system of a website, which is usually incomprehensible for ordinary hackers to do.

Therefore, criminals contact or send fake links to you by pretending to be someone you can trust.

  1. Stealing identities is easier than hacking. Therefore, be sure to review and confirm every notification you receive carefully. Careful sailing and alertness can help you avoid cryptocurrency scammers, exchanges that may disappear from thin air anytime, phishing emails and messages, and more.
  2. In addition, it is necessary to carefully choose the download source of software and applications from official websites and stores, such as Apple's App Store and Google Play Store. Although the Google Play Store is considered to be the primary source of Andriod malware, this official platform still has a particular Censorship mechanism, so the programs listed here are still more credible than other download sources) downloading is a safer choice.
  3. If a reminder window appears when you browse a website or download a program, please read the reminder carefully and consider whether to continue browsing the website or downloading the program.
  4. Given the risks mentioned above and scams, using a hardware cold wallet such as Ledger Nano S or Trezor to store cryptocurrency assets is still the safest option. As long as your cold wallet is not connected to the Internet, hackers cannot reach your wallet and launch an attack. Additionally, hackers cannot obtain your private key without an internet connection, even if you encounter a phishing attack or download a Trojan horse.

The only way to hack a hardware wallet is to obtain it (by stealing it) and use it with a password.

Remmys Final Words

Personal use behavior has a considerable impact on maintaining the security of your crypto assets, so continuing to learn about crypto security-related topics and paying attention to the latest information will help you reduce the chance of encountering hacker attacks and scams.

Jordan Hernandez A.k.a. Fast Food Rembrandt

Shaucy gets that direct feed from the stars and sometimes the radio, but always give it to you straight gang.

Forecaster - Leafreader - AstroGambler

Watch yourself. You may be happy to fall back on the old "honesty is the best policy" saying, but this week, particularly today and tomorrow, you should be strategic. Impulsive Mars and Jupiter align in your house of the unfiltered 9th house (cat's alley). Even if what you say is accurate and venting would feel good, nobody will react well when confronted with their shortcomings. If you are asking, should I or shouldn't I say something, that could be the sign to slow down and avoid overreacting. Inter-species arguments will be sharp and escalate quickly until Sunday, Oct 2. That's when the retrograde ends and will wash away the petty fights, feuds, and issues of the past three weeks.
Be careful you don't stir the pot in the meantime, or some bridges may close for good. It's not all caution and stops signs in other areas. If you are a single cat strutting around, you will get noticed, and the Pigeons might as well be Peacocks cuz they are all going to turn heads. All species will feel this weekend's sizzle. For couples with heavy workloads and tired wings, put the practice on hold for at least one play date at the park or evening in the alley. Sitting on the power line enjoying the sunset could be just what you need. If there is a will, there is a way, so make it happen. You can feel the heat, and it isn't just the dogs, so if you have been trying to make a litter, now could be your tile. If you are not trying, you should use extra precautions to lay off the gutter juice. Every dog, rat, cat, and pigeon can use this time to listen to or find their muse. Wherever your creative talents lie, throw yourself back into them again. The gang's creativity is in high gear this week, and other things are happening just out of sight. The unseen and the unfiltered will collide; if it's creativity and not scruff flying, you may find you have a lot to celebrate. Next week could feel like a brand new chapter, so take a breath, open yourself up to good things and let that negative energy out in an e-mail you never send, push your creativity and make time for that fur or those feathers that make you look!
Cats lucky # 707 Rats lucky # 69 Pigeon lucky # 282 Dog Lucky # 17

The premiere from GTV Primetime

While everyone in the @GutterCatGang community waits for $GANG news (wen), we got a seemingly out-of-the-blue premiere from @GTVPrimetime. If you haven't seen the short, give it a watch now, and then let me dive in on how big of a deal this is.

To start, let's take a look at the GCG 2022 roadmap.  A LOT is going on here, but if we zoom in and *enhance* that top left corner, we see a mention of an animated series. 

 So is GTV a stealth launch from the Gutter Labs team??

Well...not exactly.  While the team behind GTV hasn't fully revealed themselves yet, I can confirm that it is made up of long-time community members who sincerely appreciate what Gutter Labs has done to empower community members to build projects like this.

Ventures like GTV are only possible because of the IP rights that Gutter Labs grants to its holders. GCG has aspirations of becoming a global cultural brand and will only do so by allowing community members to build alongside the brand to expand its breadth and depth.

We'll return to "the brand" later, but let's turn our attention to the first animated short. From start to finish, this is a professional-level production. It's Bojack Horseman mixed with Adult Swim with a side of Always Sunny.  I still can't get "Sweet Bone" out of my head.

While there are some subtle nods to Gutter lore, I love how the storyline isn't catering to the web3/nft/gutter audience. This is an entertaining animated short that someone who can't define fungible would find amusing. It's a human situation with an animal twist.

"Storytelling" NFTs have been talked about a lot these past few weeks, and the timing of GTV premiering couldn't be better.  Most of these projects are leading with the NFT drop with the promise of storytelling later on.  Will we ever see content from these other projects? 

GTV has taken the opposite approach. They led with the storytelling, put their own money where their mouth is (animation is expensive), and have proven that they can produce top-notch content with NFT IP.  This should not be taken lightly.  

I imagine as GTV looks to grow, they will allow all of us the opportunity to support them in a typical web3 fashion.  This might mean a collection that allows you to participate in the creative process or maybe have your IP featured as a character in short.

Many of us have brainstormed stories for our Gutter IP but don't have the skillset/bandwidth/whatever to realize that potential fully.  After seeing what GTV put out, I'm confident that characters like Denzel Woofington might come to life more significantly than I ever imagined. I am BULLISH on what  @GTVPrimetime is building.

I can't wait to see what comes next, and I hope you all enjoyed the short as much as I did. Let's make sure not just the Gutter community sees how great this is.

Gang Gang


Shaucy gets that direct feed from the stars and sometimes the radio, but always give it to you straight gang. 

Astrowhisperer - VibeComposer - $GangMaxi Wen it’s on, it’s on, or so they say. This week could be More Than the same. As an air sign (all species, not just Pigeons), you know that wen you look good, you feel good. That feeling will be on tap and flowing like the drinks at Guttercon starting Thursday as the sun moves into Libra where it’s gonna hang until late October. Caution, if you wake up feeling a sudden urge to change your whole everything, best to lean on friends before you leap; we all still have mercury retrograde for the next 4 weeks, so don’t shave off your feathers just yet. Still, this week could overflow with good vibes and high energy giving you the feeling of a never-ending party. The fun isn’t all focused on feeling good. Big things are brewing beneath the surface, and it ain’t just your GutterMud smelling like a winner. This week will push you to explore, experiment, and enjoy a new chapter about to be revealed. Some things are more important than money and this week you may have to choose. Surprisingly, taking the high road may land you more than the obvious path, so make your choice with your wallet closed. The time spent on old things will feel new and exciting, relationships will bloom, and your magnetic energy is contagious. Don’t waste time; dive in, and you may fall in love with something again. Cats lucky # 31 Rats lucky # 3 Pigeon lucky # 23 Dog Lucky # 24

Building a brand that lives and breathes in culture

Over the past 18 months, we have seen projects come and go; some rugged us, some failed, and some struggled to break through. So why have we seen only a few top projects survive? Because they created a brand, they dedicated themselves beyond a project and looked at creating a brand and company that reaches far beyond the space we exist in.

The best to do it were BAYC, they started by making themselves relevant in culture, yes maybe they had some help from Guy Oseary and those payers of the moon, but they still got the right people on board to make their brand culturally relevant; they’ve also been brilliant in focusing on hip-hop as the artists are culture makers. 

Now let’s talk about the brand you came here to read about, the Gutter Cat Gang. For me, they have been one of the most or if not the most, tune brands in the space regarding cultural relevance. Why does this matter? Because when you are building a brand, there is nothing more important than understanding culture; it’s the only thing I discuss in great detail with my clients. Sure, you need to know about competitors and your customers (members) and have a clear vision for yourself but building a brand is about understanding culture. 

Two things that GCG has focused on more than others: sports, the lifeblood of America, and streetwear, the tastemakers in America. Within sports, the focus has been on NBA players who lead the charge in what culture is and are often ahead of the curve on fashion, music, and more. And Streetwear, making sure the best partnerships are in place to understand what the next big wave will be, goes beyond big brands like LVMH and so on; it focuses on local fashion brands, the ones that are talking to the everyday people on the street, the ones you walk past and think “shit, I wish I looked that cool.”

It’s been a year; two projects have become brands; one is leading the charge in culture (GCG) one has transformed to more of a premium product (BAYC). Both will win. I do, however, have one thing that has been keeping me up at night. I think GCG works better than the full words Gutter Cat Gang. It’s clean, inviting, looks dope on merch, and it’s easier to get into the vernacular. Gang Gang is already there; I feel GCG being the referral name and maybe even branding logo is next. 

Brands that live and breathe culture will win in this space. Watch closely for brands that follow this lead.

Gang Gang.

By @grantpat