Project News

DNA2 Juice Drop Mechanic

By city_admin

September 09, 2022 at 12:00 am UTC


With the official teaser from Gutter Labs, we know that DNA-2 clones are very close to being released, and will likely be tied to the release of $GANG token.  In my previous article I covered what the blockchain tells us about the DNA-2 Juice drop mechanic.  This time I am going to take a look at what the blockchain can tell us about the DNA-2 Cloning mechanic, which as it turns out, is quite illuminating.  

First, two important points from my DNA-2 juice article:

  • The juice contract can be set to increase the total supply of juice (meaning DNA-2 and 3 juice will be in addition to the 28k original supply of DNA-1 Juice)
  • The juice contract is set up to run a dutch auction in $GANG. 

In order to get a DNA-2 clone, you will need two things: A DNA-1 clone, and a DNA-2 juice. We know this because of one very important function in the Gutter Clones Contract, “upgradeClone”

The first two values in the function (sig and hash) are data passed in from the cloning machine frontend to verify the transaction, and as such we can ignore those.  The next value is juiceId, which indicates the token ID of the DNA-2 Juice you are going to burn, just like DNA-1 juice going into the cloning machine. The last value is tokenID, which requires the ID of a clone that you own/are upgrading. This confirms that in order to make a DNA-2 clone, you will be upgrading a DNA-1 clone, and cannot simply roll the dice.  It also confirms you only need 1 DNA-1 clone, not 2 like some have speculated.  So what happens when you upgrade a clone?  Digging into the “upgradeclone” function will help us figure that out:

I’m not expecting everyone to understand Solidity (though learning how to read it would be a great thing to pick up in this space), but I’ve highlighted the important parts.  What is happening here is: 

1. Your DNA-2 juice is burned

2. A new DNA-2 Clone token is minted to you 

3. Your DNA-1 clone token is marked as “upgraded” (so it cannot be upgraded again)

This tells us that minting DNA-2 clones will increase the supply of clones past the original 28,000 supply, and that you will keep your DNA-1 Clone.  

If the 4,000 number in the Gutter Cat Gang teaser is in fact the DNA-2 juice supply, this would increase the total clone supply to 32,000.  One last note – this same function can be used to upgrade DNA-2 clones to DNA-3 when that time comes. 


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