
This is Blunt Doctor

By city_admin

August 30, 2022 at 12:00 am UTC


Blunt Doctor was born and raised in the gutters of his hometown, Funky Town, Tx. When he was just a youngin, he witnessed his parents doing and selling drugs so that’s all he knew growing up. When he got to high school, things started to take a turn for the worst. He began selling drugs and following in the footsteps of his parents. He got caught up in a deal and was sentenced to ten years in the filthy prison system of Gutter City. While serving his time, he didn’t always have the easiest times so he decided to do something productive and started studying herbology, his passion. The times he wasn’t studying his passion, he would work out and gamble in the yard. Working out kept his mind in focus of his goals and out of the gutter. He started to lose weight and his ego grew out of control. Gambling reeled him in and took the best of his decision making. He ended up going in debt in prison and got into some trouble which extended his time. After he stopped gambling and getting in trouble, time started to fly by and next thing you know he’s getting his doctoral degree. That took eight years to accomplish and in that time his hair grew out so he twisted it into dreads and dyed half of it blonde. Two more years pass and he’s finally released on good behavior but continues to wear the jail shirt in order to remind himself of his past. Blunt Doctor will continue down the path trying to stay on the straight and narrow, but once from the gutters, always from the gutters! Now he’s working his way up from the bottom of the gutters. His main goal in life is to make a name for himself and his brand. Since he’s been in prison for ten years, he’s lost a lot of the connections he had so he has to start from ground zero. Also since he has a criminal background, all of the bigger companies will not hire him. The jobs he does manage to land are just temporary with smaller businesses that under pay him for his qualifications with no benefits. He uses some of the money he can to invest in his projects but he also has to budget for his cost of living. He tries his best to do right so he started making T-Shirts and printing out art to sell just trying to scrape up a few extra dollars. Smoking is his medication because if he doesn’t he has a short temper and gets easily irritated. He continues to try and think of new and original ideas so he’s always smoking to access more of his creative mind. When the first of the month comes around and he’s short on rent, we go back to ours roots and do the things we know will get us there. So he started looking for quick flips to grind for the money.


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