Project News

Weekly Gutter Forecast

By city_admin

September 07, 2022 at 12:00 am UTC


Shaucy gets that direct feed from the stars and sometimes the radio but always gives it to you straight gang.

Astrologer – Moodterpreter – Metaverse Antenna Weekly Gutter Forecasts

This week it’s on, with yo focusing squarely on home, community, and finances. Don’t look now, but if you are trying to stack, collect your ends soon and be ready. Can’t make moves if you’re out of position. Don’t trip if an ex reaches out, and don’t let the timing get in your head; things will be “in reverse” for a min. Avoid all the traps and thirsty friends this week. Big things are on the Horizon, and it’s only a matter of time, so cross those t’s and dot those i’s so you can lean into it. Saturday could be dope, the full moon will bring the dogs out, but all species will feel this one as it lands in the tenth house of career ambition and success. Things may finally come together, or an opportunity could land in your lap. Be ready. If you have been spinning your wheels or stuck in a rut, it’s all about to change, and the new path you cut will be your true north. Pigeons may be critical to any success this week, but it will be a team effort (4G’s in ganGGang) to get across that line. Later this month, wen mercury slides back into Virgo, Cats wear the crown again, and gifts from the metaverse will rain down in new and exciting ways. All species will feel the love, but cats will own the day. Cats lucky # 23 Rats lucky # 70 Pigeon lucky #42 Dog Lucky #69


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